Recent publishing
January 2017
Members of the 'Isotype revisited' project team (as was) have recently published book chapters on Isotype topics.
Christopher Burke has contributed chapters to Futura (Verlag Hermann Schmidt, 2016) that discuss the use of the Futura typeface at the Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum in Wien and draw connections between Futura and pictograms designed by Gerd Arntz.
Robin Kinross, Sue Walker, and Eric Kindel have each supplied a chapter to Information design: research and practice (Routledge, 2017) documenting aspects of Isotype. The chapters are, respectively, 'The lessons of Isotype for information design', 'Marie Neurath: designing information books for young people', and 'Future, Fortune, and the graphic design of information'. (The latter explores Isotype Institute work in Future books and magazine, and compares it to similar contributions by Abram Games, FHK Henrion, and to contemporary graphic information in Fortune magazine.)