Voter registration in the Western Region of Nigeria
booklet cover, Isotype Institute / Buffalo Books, 1956, 205 x 165 mm, (I.C. 7.1, 'N') | read more...
Some of the most important work done by the Isotype Institute as consultants to the Western Region of Nigeria involved the registration of voters, and instructions on how and where to vote. In addition to producing booklets for the 1956 regional elections, and for encouraging voter registration thereafter (the latter shown above), Isotype designed accompanying posters in English and Yoruba that encouraged participation, and identified registration offices and polling stations (below, Yoruba version: 510 × 760 mm).
While it is now impossible to measure, the registration and voting work apparently had an important impact, as Marie Neurath recalled: 'the minister for local government, Rotimi Williams, told me later in London that their voters' turn-out had been twice the figure in Eastern Nigeria; and they were sure that this was due to our pamphlet [booklet].' (EK)
area of research: Isotype in British colonial West Africa (Kindel)